Sunday, September 21, 2008

Where Did My Life Go?

Seriously, if you've seen it please let me know. I used to have so much more time, which seems ridiculous since the number of hours in the day haven't changed. I used to be a video game junky, read whenever I felt like it, shop without feeling rushed and whole slew of other things that I just don't have time to list. Now, all I seem to have time for is the day job, working out (gotta lose the baby fat) and maybe some writing if I don't fall asleep as soon as dinner is over.

*sniffle* Is this what I signed on for? Is there ever going to be a time when I get to enjoy my life, even for a little bit? I always feel so rushed and pressured to get things done. Every day I try and plan things so that I can have just an ounce of me time but it never works out that way. By the time I get done with my responsibilities (God, I hate that word) all I want to do is sleep.

Every day mirrors the one before it and by the end of the week I crash. I Feel like I am going around in circles to hurry through my day to get things done so I can get in bed at a decent hour just so I can get up and do the same thing over and over. Please tell me I’m not the only one or I may be forced to take a head first leap off the balcony. Okay it's not that high so you don't really need to worry...

Alright, I think I've complained enough for the day. It's time to go back to my WIP.

Until next time.


Anonymous said...

You are hardly the only person to feel this way, nor will you be the last. Unfortunately, it is just a part of being "grown-up" and it totally has a no refund policy on it (and the fine print in the contract is so small you can barely read it. If we could we would have never signed it.)

It will all work out. We go through periods where everything seems more difficult or compounded, but eventually the dust settles and we have a moment to recoup a moment for ourselves. Hang in there.

Lauren Johnson said...

Moira, always the voice of wisdom. Love you. :)


:) It gets better. Just keep your chin up, and know it will wll be worth it someday.