Monday, February 7, 2011

Quality Time

Time is a big issue for most people, as it is considered our most precious commodity. We want to be careful how and with whom we spend our time. And really no one can be blamed for being picky about it. The balance between needs and wants is very sensitive and we all want to make sure we are getting the most out of our time.

One of the biggest areas people feel they don’t get enough time is with family members, and more specifically with their significant others. We want to spend time with the one who makes our heart beat faster, the one who sends flutters down our spines, the one who supports us daily whether it’s emotional or monetary or physically. But for some reason the overwhelming majority of the couples I know seem to be lacking in the area of quality time. They want more time to have nice dinner dates, go to the park and walk hand in hand, take in a movie or go on vacations. Between work and home there don’t seem to be enough hours in the day, or are there?

My husband and I have been together almost ten years and there was a time in our lives when we felt the same way. Where was our quality time? But when we took the time to look at a little closer we realized that we had to make the time and then take the time. We go on small dates to Starbucks or McDonalds. When we go to the Y for our workouts we enjoy a free cup of coffee and some conversation before we hit the weights. We take a short trip to the mall and do a little window shopping. Before I leave for work in the morning he makes me a very quick breakfast and we eat together. Sure some of these things require me to wake up a few minutes earlier or go to sleep a few minutes later but I am willing to do what it takes to share quality time with the man I love.

The time is there but we had to decide to take the time and just learn to be appreciative of what we had. Quality time does not have to be an expensive date or candle lit dinner (though there is nothing wrong with those things). Sometimes all it takes is the willingness to sit down and just be together and enjoy each other’s presence. Well, that’s how it works for us and we are happily going on to ten years of loving companionship. Just a thought…

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