Sunday, October 26, 2008

Promo and EBooks

Last week at Romance Divas we were discussing promo ideas and if they really helped with sales or not. Okay I was really lurking and not so much discussing since I am a newbie to the publishing world.

It was very interesting to see different people's response on this subject. There are many ways to promote eBooks. Among the most popular are yahoo loop chats, regular chat room chats and blogging. I'm sure there are many more but these are the ones I tend to see for eBooks. Most people did not feel that any of these had much or any effect on sales. But there were a few that did feel their sales spiked after some form of chat.

The general consensus was that if an author wants to increase sales they need to write another book. People tend to be more comfortable buying a book from an author they've already read. So if they've read one of a particular author’s books and liked it then chances are they will buy more from that same author. This shouldn't have come as a surprise to me since that is often how I buy books. When I read a book by and author that I like I will buy up everything else they've written as well.

So tell me, do you agree or disagree?

Writers, do you find that promo really works for you? If not then what does?

Readers, do any of these promo techniques help you to find new authors to read? If not then what does?

I'd love to know everyone's thoughts.

Until next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am not yet published myself, however, I think interviews, guest blogging, and book reviews (good or bad) can sometimes spark sales. Yes, even bad book reviews can prompt sales.