Monday, September 1, 2008

Trying Not to Strangle my Muse (But it is so not working)

My journey through romance has been a fun one, but a trying one thus far. Lately I've been having more days were I want to bang my head on the keyboard in hopes that some words may fall out that will actually move my story along. I'm sad to say that it hasn't been so good so far. Though I’ve made SOME progress it feels very small in comparison to what I was hoping for. For the past few months I have been feeling bogged down, like I have an anvil sitting on my shoulders and no matter what I do I can't shrug it off.

I'm torn because I feel like if I try to force it then everything that comes out will be total crap and then I would be irritated. On the other hand I feel like I am letting precious time tick by as I sit here not really making much progress. God, I feel so lost.

Luckily I have a gang of people who encourage me on a regular bases and force me not give up (under threat of extreme consequences.) If it wasn't for them I fear that I would have given up long ago. I love writing, don't get me wrong, I just don't have any patience. I always want things to happen immediately and I get frustrated when they don't. Trust me; I know this is something I need to work on. So with that being said I am going to open my WIP and wait patiently for some ideas to come to me so I can continue this story. Ack!

Until next time.


Eden Bradley-Eve Berlin said...

Aw Lauren-the ideas will come, I promise! Just stare at the screen long enough, it'll happen.
*hugs* because this stuff sucks!

Anonymous said...

Know what? I have been in the same boat as of late. of course, it isn't the muse I want to strangle, but my self. As the author, shouldn't one discover the holes in the plot before forging forward? Apparently my mind fills in the blanks for me.

So, I have resorted to utilizing the writing program that has been sitting on my desktop and it seems to be helping me organize my story and my notes. Maybe that will work. I will try anything...

Lauren Johnson said...

Thankies ladies. I love you guys. Luckily the muse seems to be back so I won't have to strangle her... for now. :P