Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I’m Turning into My Mother (Totally Random)

OMG how has this happened? I’ve been a tomboy all my life. I preferred to buy everything in grey, black and blue (the darker the better). Everything was to have as little glitter and glitz as possible, and make-up, forget it. On the other hand my mom is one of the most festive people I’ve ever seen. Glitter, sequence, bright colors galore and poor woman she’s spent her life trying to convert me (and probably wondering why she got stuck with such a dull dresser). Of course, over time, she’s decided to buy my clothes to help spruce up my wardrobe, but that only went so far and even though the clothes were cute I still resisted wearing them.

Well I don’t know what alien came and altered my brain while I’ve been sleeping, but now… things have changed. I go to the store now and buy reds, oranges, pinks and yellows. One of the last things I purchased was black but *gulp* shinny. I purposely bought a top with (oh my dear) sequence. And I have a few of pairs of leggings sporting (heaven forbid) glitter. As I checked out my wardrobe, recently, I realized that my mom must be rubbing off on me... but maybe I kinda like it so I’ll keep the little parts I’ve stolen… for now anyway. Sorry mom. :P

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