Sunday, January 30, 2011

GAH! Totally Random Rant!

I reaaaaaaaaally hate bad weather. Snow, sleet, ice… pretty much anything that comes with winter and cold weather conditions. I hate, hate, HATE winter. If it could just be cold and windy (and nothing else) I wouldn’t be forced to loathe it so much. I mean hey, throw on a jacket, scarf, hat and cloves and I’m good to go. But any type of precipitation that comes along with cold weather I am totally NOT a fan of… at all… EVER!

Though I am from the Midwest and grew up accustomed to freezing pipes and below freezing temperatures that doesn’t mean I like it. In fact once when I was young I questioned my mother about the necessity of winter. I mean is it really needed? I know there is science and all that, but really, couldn’t there be a way around it? (Keep in mind that I was like five when this conversation took place.) I even asked her if there were places that didn’t have winter and when she said yes, asked if we could we move there. Clearly since I’m still complaining about the weather I must have never gotten my wish, which I try not to hold against my dear mom ‘cause I really do love her. *waves* Hi mom!

I thought I would escape some of the crappy weather if I moved to the South. WRONG! Apparently I didn’t go far enough. For a nice while I managed to avoid the nuisances caused by snow, now we are being bombarded with the wet, flaky, white substance. I think the little bit of snow we get here is worse than the tons of snow received in my home town. The reason is because in the Midwest they are prepared for it but in the South it’s not as expected so things just don’t go well. If spring could come early this year I would be ever so grateful, because I never want to see snow again. *grumbles*

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